“Intelligence” can be defined in many ways. This simply means there are many different types of “Intelligence”. This is nature’s way of protecting itself. Just think of it. If there is only one definition and suppose it is monopolized the world can easily head to doom.
But, ironically there are several people who think they are Masters of “Intelligence”.
I have had several bitter experiences with people who are dear and near to me. Out of these experiences some stand out. Meaning they cannot be easily forgotten.
This post is about one such incident.
Back in 90’s, three (3) sets of people in India used to think they are THE Masters of “Intelligence”.
Those who have completed IIMs MBAs, IITs, and Civil Services. Today, to this list we can add Movie stars.
Wait, added to the above list are many spouses of such graduates who also used to think they are also intelligent and SO privileged. Of course, there are exceptions. But, few and far in between.
This incident is one which I had experienced with a specimen from such a super set.
This person is a spouse and is a Master of “Intelligence”, who is also a Suduko enthusiast.
The story goes like this.
Some 10 years ago, I tried my hand at Sudoko.
I got interested because, in one if her visit to Mysore, my sister was very busy with Sudoko.
This got me curious. So, after my sister left, when I had some time, I started trying my hand at Suduko. I should thank my sister for getting me curious of this puzzle.
Sometime later, I met this specimen who was solving a sudoku puzzle at that time.

So, as I had a question – went ahead and asked, “Is there for each puzzle a specific recommended pattern to solving the puzzle”.
The specimen person’s response was kind of hurting and demeaning. It went like this.
A facial expression which meant “Are you dumb or stupid”.
I have had several such experiences with this specimen and this one takes the cake.
Why am I writing this post? This is for parent’s of young children. Don’t let your children associate with such specimens.
I was lucky because, my parents never behaved like that, my wife and my son too, think independently and encourage questions and do not behave like specimens.
Now, I have been playing Suduko for the last several months. Once a day.
I can now with reasonable confidence say that my question “Is there a each puzzle specific recommended pattern to solving the puzzle” was on the point.
Because, the answer seems to be “Yes”.
Now, don’t get me wrong. An answer “Yes” or “No” does not determine whether the question is an intelligent question or not.
But, the answer “Yes” confirms the question has merit in it.
Now let me explain.
When you play Suduko online, the “app” has a feature wherein if the “app” thinks or recognizes that you have solved the puzzle, and you have only a few blanks to fill, it will fill it up the few leftover blanks for you in the end.
Now, “if you have solved the puzzle in the recommended or expected pattern” as you near the end of the puzzle the “app” will recognize that you have cracked the puzzle much earlier than otherwise.
Which means it will fill up more number of blanks at the end. Which in turn answers the original question is there a recommended way to solve the puzzle.
Now tell me. What is more intelligent? The question OR an inability to appreciate and encourage the habit of questioning. The lesson is clear.
Encourage questioning. Or you will gradually gravitate towards beliefs like Vaastu, Superstition, Blind belief, Rigid Practices, Gurus, or Masters. Resulting in a burdened mind.
Encourage questioning, because a culture of independent thinking builds in you and your loved and dear ones. And, you learn to respect their thoughts too.
To make life worth living. And, a burdenless mind.