possessiveness of parents
2 818
Posted in Interesting Uncommon Commoner

Possessiveness – Every human being amongst us has to realize

Today morning around 7.30 AM, Shri. Venugopal our family friend, called up and told us the Good news that his boisterous Dog had given birth to 4 pups at 1.00…

k viswanath and chiranjeevi
1 668
Posted in Interesting

What a Performance Shri. Chiranjeevi !!

Chiranjeevi is a superstar. And, his speech when Kalatapasvi K Viswanath passed away is remarkable. Watch this Video, and see for yourselves.

8 steps to success and happiness
1 835
Posted in Interesting

How to be Successful and Happy in Life?

Let us assume an average active life of we humans is 75 Years. Which really means 75 Active Summers. Follow these simple and key Tips to lead a successful and…

friend's friend
0 610
Posted in Interesting

A Friend’s Friends

One day, some 10-12 years back, a relative of mine called and asked me “Why do you Know Nagesh?”. The question itself was weird. Anyway, I had two choices. One,…

Member Chairman Club
0 658
Posted in Interesting

Born to Network, Born to Achieve- Shri. Chiranjeevi Reddy

As we have moved from Mysore to Hyderabad changing Aadhar Address, getting a new Gas Connection and steps to settle down are in full progress. I have shifted homes some…

Happy Birthday to me, on my shashti poorthi
0 799
Posted in Interesting

My 60th Birthday – Shashti Poorthi

As I complete 60 years of a simple and normal life as compared to many of my immediate relatives, friends and colleagues, I am reminded of my Mother and Father…

Impatient India
0 634
Posted in Interesting

PM Modi starts setting stage for 2024 elections

As we move closer to 2024 General Elections, in about 12-14 months, Modi ji has begun setting the stage for probably his last election contest. The above statement during the…

Congress basic problem
0 486
Posted in Interesting

What is Congress’s Basic Problem?

Everywhere Congress leader’s go they get humiliated. Look at this video: In the face of acute disgrace, see how he effortlessly moves as if he has faced this situation in…

0 410
Posted in Interesting

Respect your DAD!

Most Children today do not respect their Fathers. However, they respect their Mothers. But, Children should know, Dads give their Children something what Mothers have no time for. A sense…

aap looses and a sigh of relief
0 294
Posted in Interesting

God has NOT Betrayed India this time!

In the last few weeks I was terribly worried that AAP would win in Gujarat. As results came in today 8th Dec 2022, I am relieved beyond words. In 1947…

0 417
Posted in Interesting

A Simple Suggestion – Told with genuine intention

We always remember genuine suggestions and help. At least, I do. And, I do make it a point to remember, and acknowledge when time comes. Back in 2006-2007, we were…

Birds Respond to Venkatesh
0 363
Posted in Interesting

Guests after a long long time

We had guests after a long long time from Hyderabad – Mr. Venkatesh and Mrs. Venkatesh. It was a very good and pleasant experience for us and I hope it…