Next BJP Pres

You are a Disgrace! BJP needs a Party President who can say this….

When I was doing my Masters in Tech Management in BYU, USA, some 34 years ago, we were grouped as teams and asked to compete. It was an all American team, with me international student. I got very friendly with the team.

At the same time a war in the Saudi was going on. Operation Desert Storm. We used to discuss about this along with project work, and in one such discussion, I mentioned that America needs a Black in the White House. All my team members looked up at me, and went silent.

Now I realize why my team mates went silent.

UTAH is a republican state.

But, USA did get a Black President. Happened 25 years later!

Just to complete, later my team mate said, while dropping me off in the cold winter evening in his car in the comfort of car heater, Krishna you are smart.

Well, that is the special quality of Americans, whether Republican or Democrat, they are not afraid of complimenting genuine good comments, and thought.

Fast forward 10 years, a woman of Indian Origin, with the name Kamala (Lotus), (fact: the symbol of India’s ruling party), is in all probability set to walk into the White House, as the POTUS.

In the widely seen debate, in the run up to her probable successful and lucky journey to the White House, some reports suggesting with an audience of 60 million, she said the following:

  • You are a disgrace to the Nation
  • Putin will eat you for Lunch
  • You will succumb to flattery and favors
  • You are a divider of American society
  • You have no plans – Just concepts

She said this to Donald Trump who has a fairly large following (nearly 50% of voters).

The way she said all of the above, her background as an attorney, meteoric rise, education, hard work and importantly being a women, all of this added to the impact it had on Trump and the viewers.

Now, back in India we need a BJP President who can inflict such statements on the main opposition leader.

I am writing this post as BJP leadership is looking at various candidates for the post of BJP leadership.

So, what is the context?

As Modi’s aura is on a plateau, BJP needs a candidate who partly bring that aura back in focus. The main opposition leader Shri. Rahul Ji, is creating lot of noise, confusion, incitement of disgruntled groups and his vote bank. Other opposition leaders like Udhav Ji, Kejriwal Ji and Mamata are on a weak wicket, and willing grudgingly accept him as a main opposition leader. As Modi ji’s third term moves on, Rahul Ji will up the ante and increase all that mentioned earlier. Which means more confusion, more incitement etc.

BJP needs a president who will take battle to him and create confusion in their ranks, mobilize people against Rahul Ji, and convince the voters it makes sense to vote for BJP again.

The next BJP President should be:

#1 Should be a Female

Just think about it. Rahul in comparison with a female will look like a kid. He doesn’t have the background nor the stature to match up with a female who has worked her way into politics and to the top position. As Congress and Rahul have made it their strategy to attack and chase Modi ji, BJP should make it obvious for viewers that he cannot match with a lady President in the harsh world of Politics.

#2 Should have a Stature Nationally

The lady selected should be known nationally then and only then there will be an impact. Nadda ji is not known in all parts of India making it impossible to connect with all India audience. This has left the field widen open for Rahul Ji to attack Modi Ji. It should be made harder for him to target Modi Ji by creating a wall around Modi Ji with a person who is spirited and her personality is known all over India.

#3 Should be Relatively Young

She should be younger than Rahul. Why? Rahul’s biggest advantage is his young looks on TV and social media. She should be young in age and in looks.

#4 Should connect with Youngsters

BJP’s biggest disadvantage is their inability to connect with very young voters, particularly 20-30 yrs old. They make the biggest noise. The new president should instantly connect with these youngsters.

#5 Should have been in a Profession where everybody recognizes

The new President should have been in a profession which youngsters also connect. Movies?

#3 Should be Proficient in English

Better at spoken English as compared to Rahul. The lady should be able to make complete sentences.

So, who is the candidate?

How about Kangana Ranaut??

So, what will BJP do?

They are going to try all of the possible candidates in the coming Maharashtra and UP By Polls and then select the candidate who will draw the largest crowds and who is able to connect with the crowds and electrify them.

Krishna Karedla
Author: Krishna Karedla

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