Dear Ram Gopal,
Firstly, I thank Nagesh for sharing this video. Thank you, Nagesh.
I never imagined I would have to see this situation. Seeing a friend after 20 years, stuck in a flood, not having daily essentials for a couple of days. Hope you get through this nature inflicted and human designed tragedy which has struck the good people of Vijayawada.
After several years, seeing you like this is tragic and astonishing.
But, you seem to be same. The smile is still intact. As if nothing has happened. The flawless English coming through occasionally. Yes, you are on air. The conscious sense of occasion that one should present oneself well. The humor, the way you showed the basket. Wish more youngsters see this part of the video. There is a lesson or two to learn.
However, helpless as I am, I have resorted to writing this post and hope you get to this post as early as possible, as I would like to help keep your morale up.
Is internet working?
It should be. Nowadays, we don’t compete on rain water drains, roads and food, but we do desperately compete on internet speed and data packs, extend a bit further, self projection (views) and appreciation (likes)!!
Well, that is the order of the day. We the masses, follow.
But, let me tell you one thing. You are one of a kind. The original “Onti Rekka”. ఒంటి రెక్క.
From very little, you have achieved so much.
And, importantly without aspiring anything from others, for free. Thank you for being a role model for several people.
Personally, I have three reasons to thank you. So, the title of this post.
Reason #1
Thank you, for being respectful to my parents and being so considerate towards me when we visited Vijayawada.
Reason #2
Thank you, for being helpful to my grandmother and grandfather during the times when they needed someone to support them. I could see that for my grandmother you were one of the options when there was a problem to solve. That must have been a lot for her. Respect.
Reason #3
Thank you for being the reason for me to stop seeing shitty Telugu (post golden era) movies. I picked up this past time sometime in 79. If you recall in the summer of 80 (this itself sounds like a movie title!), I saw a movie a day for one whole month. Towards the end of the month, yourself, Ramana and myself went to a see a movie in Satyanarayana Puram, Vij. Matinee show. I forget the name of the theatre, but I do remember there was a lane exactly opposite.
As the gates opened, there was a sudden rush and you climbed over others and pushed ahead. Taking a lot of personal risk amidst all the shouting and acrimony you bought a ticket.
That sealed it. Some kind of disgust swelled in me. I vowed to stop seeing movies.
A few days later I got a trunk call from my mother to come back home. Immediately. Little did she know of this incident.
For a good 15 years after that incident. I saw just a couple of movies!! One of the best decisions I ever took.
I again started seeing movies beginning with the genre of movies, which incidentally you also like English, Action, Adventure – “Golden Eye” (James Bond).
Above all this, I know your life is enriched with bold and remarkable decisions, reflecting your giving nature which comes from a constant desire to be a role model rather than be a follower!

Wishing things will come back to normalcy soon in your area. Take Care.
From a friend, among your several friends.