Every country has its own share of fundamentalists and liberals.
USA is no better.
For a country of immigrants, USA is changing itself to be like any other country.
Translates to – a Country of natives subtly and sometimes openly resisting the influx of immigrants. That is the core reason Trump won nearly 50% vote in 2016. And, about the same in 2020.
UK is another classic examples. Due to its limited geographical size, the problem of natives resisting the immigrants is more apparent. As the number of Immigrants increase in USA, we will see a more severe push back from the conservative white population. This will be more harsh as USA adopts more of AI and consequently repetitive and dangerous jobs will be taken over by AI. The rumblings of which are beginning to seem more obvious.
Trump is the leader of this movement. Tomorrow, we will see a softer and educated version of Trump espousing the same qualities will try and win Presidency.
Trump has demonstrated clearly to the whole world that the Country of immigrants is now resisting immigrants. Three phrases which he uses frequently in his 2024 election bid speeches describe what the common American thinks of immigrants. And, this is being leveraged by a desperate Trump.
- Illegal Immigrants or Aliens
- Job Predators
- Invaders
- From Mental Asylums
All of the above are lies. My simple question is, why doesn’t Trump canvas for NO IMMIGRATION policy? America needs immigrants to keep a part of its economy moving! America needs top talent from world over to keep its economy and research on a high gear. This is the truth.
However, he keeps driving at the above LIES to create a fear psychosis in the hope that voters who are competing with immigrants will get out and vote.
Playing on the common American racist tendencies.

And, as a reward to their vote he is promising Trump Deportation. Which is another lie.
Trump btw, is worth 2.5 Billion Dollars and he has successfully pushed the legal system to its limit. His business edifice has been built on a bunch of lies and bankruptcy filings.
If one were to carefully look at his election speeches he is saying Hispanics (Spanish) are Okay. He is shy of openly saying White Immigrants are okay, Hispanics are Okay, Blacks – we cannot avoid, but others are not welcome – this is the broad narrative he is pushing.
This somewhat matches with my experience in US.
In my classroom, rarely a white guy used to sit next to me. Even though I was one of the few in the class who used to bathe and go to class every single day!
At another time, we had been to Gandhi Restaurant in Salt Lake City, UTAH, owned by a doctor from Vijayawada. No whites occupied the tables around us. Even though they were trying out dishes made by a Brownie.
Whenever I visited a public washroom, no white stood next to me.
Same in a movie theatre.
I am not sure how it will be in a hospital bed.
Not just in USA. But, this is the same in every country.
So, back to the question, why are so many Americans supporting Trump?
When we have a problem we cannot solve, we blame it on someone else. For the common American all their job loses, poverty, violence, is because of Aliens, Immigrants. The easiest visible targets.
Is it any different in India? No, not at all. My father faced regionalism as senior officer in State Bank of Mysore of a high order. He was one of the 9 Probationary Officers to join in 1962 and he was the only Telugu speaking officer.
He survived with sheer dint of hard work.
In my case, I have not received any kind of support from the ecosystem in India. Education system or MSME ecosystem, both have simply ignored our startup, started back in 1999. Just Survived because of Internet.
However, on this score, USA is a bit different. A new product or a new service they will instantly take to it. That is the reason we had maximum number of buyers from USA!
There are a substantial percentage of Americans who genuinely respect education and professional achievements.
That is the core reason on which Kamala is surging ahead in the opinion polls.
So, to live in USA, you have to have a good academic qualification and a top grade professional achievement. Then you can demand respect in your professional life.
In the personal sphere, things will be more or less the same. Of course, money will let you avoid many of problems many normal people (alien immigrants) face.
How about India and its Hindu population?
We respect, Kings, Self Styled Swamiji’s, Goondas and Politicians!
In short, those who make the Law and those who break the Law!!!!
And, how many of us see White T-Shirt Version of TRUMP on the Political Scene in India? We all know who it is!!