Do you all realize how the opposition trying its best to overthrow Modi. Even though BJP has the majority (they do not have the full mandate) there is every possibility this Govt. will last for full 5 (FIVE) Years.
Because, BJP did not get the majority on its own, the reality is it does not have the mandate, opposition is banking on the possibility that Modiji being a man of high standards will break with this line of attack. This is the point which Rahul Ji, Mamata Ji and others are others aiming at.

In the days to come this attack will sharpen. This is because this is the best chance for opposition to weaken Modi and BJP.
Speaking at a summit last week, Modiji said I will come for this event 5 years later.
Meaning? He will be around. The message to the opposition? They will have to contend with him for the next not 5, probably 10 years.
Alongside, Modiji has also asked BJP and its cadre to get 10 Crore Members.

The present membership of BJP is around 18 crores.
Why is BJP working on getting new members?
One, 18 crore members gave 240 seats in Lok Sabha. Another 10 crore members will consistently give it 300 + seats in future elections.
There is also more important point.
This membership drive is seen as a counter to the Lies and Foreign Funded (deep state) and ganging up of Gangs to defeat Modi and live a luxurious life by looting India, its middle class and hardworking poor.
All of the 3 gangs are not liking the Note Ban, Digitization of Payments, GST, One Nation One Tax, which have crippled the black money market of India. They are totally against One Nation One Law, One Nation One Road Tax, One Nation One Election.
Strong and relentless efforts are being made to defeat BJP in Maharashtra and Haryana by the above 3 gangs.
So, if you want to secure the nation and your and your children future, and defeat the enemies of India – SIMPLY become a BJP member and tell Modiji directly you have our support.
I have placed the link here >> BJP Membership with Mobile Phone
A very simple process. Easy and takes a few minutes. Show your support. Defeat the Gangs out to destroy our future.