A mantra is a set of sentences, which when recited inspires.
I always believe that is important to convey by words as sometimes it is not possible to show your support by actions.
Sometime back, I had a surprise awaiting me.
I received an sms text from my sister.
It read –
You have done good to others, only good will happen to you.
Sarada J. (My sister)
My sister and myself share a childhood filled with fun and happiness. After our respective marriages also we shared a very good life, amidst all difficulties. I always believed that having an hubby with a transferable job, life was much harder for her in some ways. She has been sportive to take it all in her stride.
My childhood was really fun. I never gave anyone nicknames, when young. But, the only time I gave one was to my sister.
The name – Bujji.
I do not know where I picked it from or, did I copy someone else?
Must have been the later as many relatives used to visit our place.
You see, my father worked in Bangalore, and in 1970-80’s it was the place. Everyone of our relatives wanted to visit Bangalore and if possible Mysore.
I am almost certain I started calling her by her nickname, by the time I was 7 or 8 yr old.
Now, as I reach 60 yrs of age, the body showing tell tale signs of aging, and the mind, looking for a refresh, this sms text from her is more valuable than anything else as it connects me with my parents and childhood and what I lived for at crucial times in our family lives.
Earlier it was Cards now it is SMS! How things have changed.
It was my sister who introduced our family to the concept of Cards with beautiful quotes (maatulu). I must say, it made us all bond together better.
Maate Mantrumu.