As I complete 60 years of a simple and normal life as compared to many of my immediate relatives, friends and colleagues, I am reminded of my Mother and Father which is natural for any person to do on their Birthday.
If my parents were around and I had told them I am entering the category of “Old People” they would have definitely said “No not at all. You have just completed a small part of your life”. Something, very practical. Or something very close to this.
They would have been correct.

Shashti Poorthi in Hindu Calendar signifies completion of half of one’s life span which as per Hindus is 120 years.
Very Comforting!!
On this day, I cannot help recall that my beautiful mother used to celebrate my Birthday on two days.
One as per Gregarian Calendar and one as per Hindu Calendar.
Now, as I recall this, I realize how hard she tried to make me have fun and lead a happy life.
I thought this was quite ingenous and simple thought at the same time.
She probably wanted me to think Global.
The other important incident was during my upanayanam.
In the pic below you will see me doing a semi shashtanga namaskaram.
This was just as the upanayanam ritual was completed and I had to take the blessings of my mother and father.
If you carefully observe, my mother is smiling while blessing me.
I clearly recall she could not stop laughing.
This was because, I was not getting up and she did not know what to do.
I wanted to convey, I want to be like this to my mother, forever.

On this occasion I would like to share an important aspect of my life.
There is one aspect on which I am doubtful whether my mother would approve of me not going back to USA and getting to start work at Boeing, Seattle.
To be honest, 2 days after my sister’s marriage, my father asked me to go back to USA and start working.
Little did he know, I was worried, now that we were only two in the house, it was that much harder for me to go back.
Would my Mother approve of my decision of not going back.
I am sure she would change her mind, if she could see the two gifts life has given me, for staying Back!!

Today, my wife has told me she will take half day off, and we will go to Forum Mall.