Startups are the craze today.
I was crazy about them some 35 yrs ago.
I am a 58 yr old, living in Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Some time back, I mentioned to my Chartered Accountant, that I intend to start a Search Tool for manufacturing companies. Before hearing me out, he said, Google is there? Why a new one? I realized I had made a mistake mentioning this to him.
Later, I started connectco startup consultancy to help companies buy capex intensive machine tools and a search engine for machine tool companies. It failed.
This was some 5 yrs ago.
I am now ready to work on my dream and make it successful.
I have started A search tool which will cover all sectors which contribute to manufacturing defence weapon systems for India’s armed forces.

Let me also mention that I have another startup to my credit which is still up and running, 25 yrs old.
So, why did I start this new startup?
There are multiple reasons.
One, I need the money. My wife Bharati is an accomplished ERP expert, and works for ProV Intl. She will look after me. My one and only son, works for a British startup, and I am sure he will also support me as he steadies himself.
I could have simply taken retirement.
However, I shudder at the thought of living without a goal.
Also, I hate the prospect of wasting my experience and knowledge.
The pandemic has put my consultancy work with colleges in the cold, and financially I am back by a good amount,
And, I think Engineering Colleges will take a while to realize the crisis is bigger than what they are estimating. I have a solution to meet the bigger crisis, but, college managements are reluctant to accept there is a bigger crisis looming. So, colleges are a no go.
So, I will do what I do best. Startup.
My first startup.

My second startup.

Also, I believe I can to contribute something positively to India considering the amount of work our Political Leaders Modiji, Amit Shahji, Gadkariji, Goyalji, and many others are putting in. My new startup will act as a catalyst to boost India’s defence manufacturing business.
During the pandemic, rarely moving out of the house, reading distressing news day in and out, I have conceptualized defencemanufacturingindia and set up the website will all the features. During this period I wrote many articles, and they are listed on here – list of articles.
There are couple of more strong reasons for starting this website.
The younger generation can work creatively in a secure environment. For that to happen, whenever there is an intrusion by our Mad Dragon neighbor and a terrorist attack by our Paki neighbors, India has to strongly and effectively respond. And, an excellent defence manufacturing infrastructure will tell our Hindustan’s younger generation that we are secure, so that they can pursue creative goals.
However, there are big Challenges I face to make this startup a success. One, age is fully not on my side. I have to take off this startup ASAP. Two, my life partner is busy with her own job.
But, I always have reserve Creative energy. I do not know where it comes from.
I strongly believe it is because of my dear Father, Mother and Sister, who never blocked my creative ideas or criticized me, amid all difficulties and competition.
This support is continuing to this day, as my wife continues to tell me that I have lot of dum 😉 in me and my son tells me I am his hero!